Former RIAA mouthpiece Hilary Rosen is starting to get wise and practical. Maybe it’s because she’s lost her job as a corporate tool and cut her umbilical chord from the majors. In a 2004 Wired article, she admitted that she’d been wrong about copyright laws and now she’s admitting that the RIAA lawsuits may not be a good idea. Easy for her to say now that she’s not with the org anyway but give credit where credit is due. Studies are showing that despites the lawsuits, free downloading is probably INCREASING now.
She even goes as far to say that DRM is a bad idea that’s driving consumers away too. You can take that a step further and add that having proprietary software that’s not friendly to other systems or a download scheme that only lets you make a handful of copies isn’t exactly appearing to consumers. All the lawsuits in the world ain’t gonna change that. Hopefully, the present RIAA dupes will realize that before they leave office.