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Jane in Space Experiment with Gritty Ambiance in “Gorerunner” (premiere)

Jane in Space's latest song "Gorerunner" embraces spacey, ethereal grit on what might be their most experimental melding of electronic and industrial influences yet.

Fronted by actor and voice-over artist Tom Vickers, Jane in Space is a project that the Oxford native lovingly crafted out of inspiration from the Britpop he’d grown up with throughout the 1990s. Since then, Vickers, along with multi-instrumentalist and producer Jesse Jensen, have gone on to craft an experimental audiovisual treat with their band, exploring heavily into the realms of electronic and industrial music along the way. Jane in Space’s latest EP, Gorerunner, fully encompasses the latest evolution in the New York duo’s sound, with its title track perhaps offering the greatest instance of ethereal grit along the way.

Directed by Permian Strata, the music video that accompanies “Gorerunner” is produces a spacey, washed-out urban vibe where brawls are carried out in striking color. It’s very much the sort-of psychedelic adventure one would expect to be taken on given the harsh, pulsating atmosphere that Jane in Space explores with it.

Strata tells PopMatters, “The first time I heard ‘Gorerunner’, I knew immediately that I wanted to create the music video. The dense layers of unnerving sonic texture give it a slow-burn intensity that naturally elevates any accompanying visual into otherworldly territory. I made a point to use filters and effects that emphasize the underlying noise inherent in digital video, creating a harsh, gritty ambiance to match the menacing tone of the music.”