Composer/musician Jared C. Balogh has a wide variety of music for the taking available right here. The styles present can be interpreted as classical, jazz, or minimalist. However, for Music For Rhymers and Lyrical Designers, Balogh takes a brief step back to one of his first musical loves: in his own words, “old school rap/hip-hop from the early ’80s through early ’90s.” Two things stand out when listening to this free, miniature album: first, despite the words “Rhymers” and “Lyrical” being the title, Music For Rhymers and Lyrical Designers is instrumental; second, Balogh is far more interested in updating his past fascinations that just revisiting them. In other words, Music For Rhymers and Lyrical Designers has a great deal in common with his classical, jazz, and minimalist works.
Stream and download the album below:
I also recommend Modern Renaissance, Bass Bliss, and recordings made by his now-defunct noise-rock collective Pink Hex.