
Photo: Courtesy of Elicity PR

Joy Oladokun’s “bad blood” Is Mesmerizing, Meditative, Healing Pop (premiere)

Joy Oladokun uses various roots music influences on her serene and memorable new tune, "bad blood", a song that she describes as "an apology".

Joy Oladokun’s “bad blood” ushers in the healing tides of forgiveness. Awash in serenity from its opening moments, the meditative tune is another inspiriting track from the artist. Stylistically, it presents the best parts of Oladokun’s songwriting identity as always, attuned to all manner of roots genres in a singular swipe. While her warm vocals channel an innate knack for moving soul, she uses folk, pop, and rock leanings alike to build the song’s structure. With a new album out on 15 July, “bad blood” is another inspiriting entry into her in defense of my own happiness, volume 1—modern, cerebral pop with a magnificent heart.

“‘bad blood’ is an apology,” says Oladokun. “I used to think that I had a handle on forgiveness. I realized I was just terrible at conflict and standing up for myself. It’s about learning to take responsibility for the wrong I’ve done, to let it go, and then to do the same for others.”