
Photo: Melissa Madison Fuller

Kellen of Troy Stands By the March For Our Lives Movement with His New Single (premiere)

In the wake of the Parkland shootings, Kellen of Troy valiantly protests America's current gun climate with his latest single, "Just a Couple More".

Nashville-based folk-rocker Kellen Wenrich (Kellen of Troy) is taking a stand alongside the millions rallying around the world during the March For Our Lives. His newest video is a simple construct, featuring white text over a black backdrop, echoing Wenrich’s words one scathing truth after the other on “Just a Couple More”. It’s an evaluation of the times, shining a spotlight on politicians who would rather funnel donations from the NRA and like-minded organizations than campaign for real justice and peace in the light of the United States’ mass shooting epidemic.

Kellen of Troy says, “I wrote ‘Just a Couple More’ in the aftershock of the horrific shooting in Parkland, Florida. My friend Gavin Paddock posed a challenge-to-all-songwriters to write something a-la CSNY’s ‘Ohio’, dealing with gun control (or lack thereof) and the culture surrounding mass shootings in America. I took up the charge, writing and sending him a demo within 72 hours. He called me about 30 minutes later asking how he could help make the song a reality.”

Any and all proceeds from “Just a Couple More” will be donated to the March For Our Lives movement.