‘Ladies and Gentlemen… The Rolling Stones’: If I Had Panties, I’d Toss Them at the TV

Watching Ladies and Gentlemen… The Rolling Stones on Eagle Rock’s DVD got me so excited that if I had panties, I’d have tossed them at the TV.

The Rolling Stones
Eagle Rock

 It’s difficult to overstate the influence of the Rolling Stones’ Exile on Main Street, the sprawling rock ‘n’ roll masterwork that might be the best record you have ever heard. Featuring swamp, blues, gospel, and country all shot through with the intimacy of a world-conquering rock outfit taking a step back from the limelight, the record was like some rock ‘n’ roll proving ground. The Stones poured everything they were, all they had learned in ten years of constant touring and playing, into 18 tracks. No note out of place. I have no idea it’s undercooked. It was, and is, the record every rock band goes into the studio hoping to make: an honest and true statement about where they came from, who they are today, and where they might be tomorrow.

Though the tour was famously fraught with problems and poor performances – they may have been at the height of their powers, but they were also at the height of their rather heroic consumption of booze and dope, as well – there is little wrong with the stuff captured at the four shows from which this film was culled. Here we see the Rolling Stones as the band they always were (but were sometimes too pretentious or power-hungry to show us): a raunchy, rough, riff-heavy bar band with a kinetic, sexy beast of a frontman. The setlist is all winners, too – from “Dead Flowers” to “Happy” to “Gimme Shelter” to “Tumbling Dice”, this was the Stones at the peak of their songwriting genius.

Ladies and Gentlemen… The Rolling Stones – economically directed by a guy with the fairly unconventional name Rollin Binzer – was first released in 1974 but fell into a legal wormhole of sorts. It was rarely screened thereafter and became a much-sought bootleg on VHS for decades. Now, gratefully, fans can get their hands on a remastered and enhanced DVD or Blu-Ray film version. Sound is improved, visuals are optimized, and the package works well.

There are a few extras – including a surprisingly insightful interview with Jagger – but the real interest here must be the 80 minutes of music – and the music is great. Having seen the Stones a half dozen times (but only post-’90), I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see (and hear) them as a small-scale rock act instead of the huge, ungainly beast they have become in the arena era. As good as they can be on the big stage, their energy in this little theatre is nearly overwhelming. If I had panties, I’d have been tossing them at the stage. Just ‘cause.

It’s too bad that lead guitarist Mick Taylor, though he sounds amazing, looks half asleep throughout much of the film. (Is this why Ron Wood, a lesser guitarist with a mightier stage presence, would soon replace him?) It is too bad that the sound can’t be improved since the mix sometimes feels lopsided, especially when horn players Bobby Keys and Jim Price join the band for a few tunes. Still, as rock ‘n’ roll pictures go, it’s tough to find much to complain about here. This is a plug-and-play approach to the band onstage; there are no cameras on the crowd, few wide shots, and almost no context. Just plain old live music on film. Get your rocks off.

RATING 8 / 10