Jedd Beaudoin: Could be grumpy, but it seems like the kind of track that loses all its momentum after the shock of the first line. When the choruses come the whole thing blows up in a real predictable way. Cool hook, though, and there’s some really cool rhythmic stuff that goes on in the quieter parts. But that’s not enough to really engage with. [5/10]
Steve Horowitz: The trope of being crazy equals being sensitive and perceptive has a long and honored history. It has also become cliché. Lucius offers a pleasant enough vibe, but what’s here wears thin because nothing really happens. This works more as background music than something compelling attention. The video offers some arresting images so the song works best as a soundtrack. The tune isn’t bad as much as so what. [5/10]
John Bergstrom: “Madness” has some nice atmosphere going for it, it’s well-produced, moody, and yet friendly. But there’s a smaller-than-you’d-like margin between this and, say Wilson-Phillips. [6/10]
SCORE: 5.33