
Lust for Youth – “Sudden Ambitions” (Singles Going Steady)

"Sudden Ambitions" appears on the new Lust for Youth album, Compassion, releasing March 18th via Sacred Bones.

Magdalen Jenne: Huge, obvious influences from classic post-punk on this track. It’s a little safe, but the ideas here are fully formed and enjoyably gothy. [7/10]

Emmanuel Elone: “Sudden Ambitions” tries real hard to recreate the ’80s. The first part of the song has a synth lead that is followed by vocals that would work nicely on any ’80s synthpop tune. Even the lack of bass, a popular feature of music from that era, is apparent here as well. Overall, they do a decent enough job, but there’s no originality or creativity to be found at all on this song. [4/10]

Chad Miller: “Sudden Ambitions” brings extravagant music underneath a pretty simple vocal part. Vocals are subpar, but the accompaniment suits the melody really well. The track is kind of forgettable overall though. [6/10]

SCORE: 5.66