The latest in a line of artists to share Seattle’s indie-pop pedigree; a band name that suggests a group of charming introverts; and a style that infers what The Smiths would have sounded like with a sunny side — perhaps musically analogous to Belle & Sebastian. While these elements might seem all too familiar, chances are you’ve not heard the likes of Math and Physics Club before. On what is ultimately a very engaging EP, the band treats listeners to their brand of sensible mid-tempo guitar rock that places emphasis on winning vocals and well-crafted melodies. Only twelve minutes and four tracks in duration, there is enough richness in each song to make the disc seem a fuller affair, and Baby I’m Yours presents a case that the time is ripe for Math and Physics Club to earn some notice. While each track is solid in structure and delivery, the album’s bookends are most captivating; the title-bearing opener has a dreamy little shuffle to it while closing track “Do You Keep a Diary” casts some ambient sound into the mix and possesses an infectious melody that would have made the track a hit at the heights of the ’60s pop/rock revolution.