The combination of two Florida area bands makes up Mayday Parade, and this six-song EP is ringing with earnest melodies and Emo 101 trademarks judging by “Just Say You’re Not Into It”. And a few might just not be into it. “When I Get Home, You’re So Dead” has a pinch more enthusiasm and the chorus is okay, but nothing thus far jumps out and grabs you by the throat. Think of a lighter Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance and you get the picture. The ballad “One Man Drinking Games” fares better, as the song has some great harmonies and a slow building feel to it. And, fortunately, the band never goes over the top. Another highlight is “Your Song”, which talks about their hometown of Gainesville and seems to shift gears with the wind without many problems or hiccups. But “Three Cheers for Five Years” sounds tired and tedious. It does end on a good note with “The Last Something That Meant Anything”, the closest anyone has come to an emo-powered power ballad.
Mayday Parade: Tales Told by Dead Friends
Mayday Parade