
Molly Burch – “Try” (Singles Going Steady)

This is a pleasant and beautifully forlorn twist on a lounge tune, rich with atmosphere and sincere sentiment.

Paul Carr: This is an intoxicating ode to an unrequited love, which harks back to the days of the smoky club chanteuse. Molly Burch is plainly torn by her unanswered feelings as she breathlessly wears her pain quite openly on lines like “I wish you would try”. The futility of her crush is laid bare, easily coaxing sympathy from the listener. The guitars ring out crisply giving it a gentle, ’60s feel and, at first, it can come across as a little ordinary and inoffensive. Nevertheless, despite its lounge feel, the gently rolling drums elevate it to sound a bit more unorthodox. The perky and carefree nature of the music belies the despondent theme of the song. [7/10]

Andrew Paschal: Burch’s vocal delivery — smokey, deep, yet also playful and coy — really carries what otherwise might be an unremarkably airy tune. Still, the song is old-fashioned in a self-conscious, Zooey Deschanel kind of way, which brings out the cynic in me. “Try” is certainly enjoyable enough, but it lacks a certain heft and staying power, the whole product ultimately sounding merely incidental. [5/10]

Adriane Pontecorvo: Her unpolished voice gives a vintage vibe to Molly Burch’s “Try”, an easy song that sounds like a deliciously cheap motel waiting room. Burch has the Mojave desert in her heart, and this track is all open space, long highways, and warm breezes. The high chintz factor means this is going to be a miss for some, but overall, this is a pleasant and beautifully forlorn twist on a lounge tune, rich with atmosphere and sincere sentiment. [6/10]

Chris Ingalls: The arrangement really makes the song — the cavernous echo and surf guitar leads give the tune a throwback feel. But it’s no gimmick — Burch has crafted a beautiful song with resonance and emotional depth that conjures up the image of an indie icon belting out a torch song in a dingy club. And that’s all good stuff. [7/10]

Molly Burch‘s debut album, Please Be Mine, releases 17 February via Captured Tracks.

SCORE: 6.25