Morgan Page: Elevate

Morgan Page

The generically-titled Elevate is a bit of a hodgepodge, supplementing an array of Page remixes with a few original tracks. But the Vermont native acquits himself pretty well. Tackling a variety of material, Page makes it all over in his clean-cut, danceable, contemporary house style. The result is pretty cohesive. Leigh Nash, former singer with Sixpence None the Richer, coexists with a compulsive mix of Nelly Furtado’s “Maneater”, though not even Page can make Delerium’s pseudo-Catholic wailing sound up-to-date. He does, however, turn California indie-poppers the Submarines’ already-charming “Peace and Hate” into a minor technopop classic. Unfortunately, Page’s best-known mix, a take on Stevie Nicks’ “Stand Back”, isn’t here. But his originals aren’t half bad. Imagine Nicks’ voice instead of Lissie’s fronting single “The Longest Road”, and it’s a smash. If you like a good beat without a lot of cheese, but all that weird techno stuff turns you off, you’ve got a winner here.

RATING 6 / 10