Moving Pixels Podcast: Highbrow, Middle Brow, and Lowbrow in Free-to-Play Gaming

As is our habit on the podcast, we occasionally like to sample what is going on in the free-to-play gaming.

This week we discuss three games available on Steam, A Date in the Park, Mandagon, and The Lion’s Songs as examples of lowbrow, middle brow, and high brow offerings within the free-to-play market.

This podcast is also available via Soundcloud.

Additionally, our episodes are also available on iTunes.


Our podcast contributors:

G. Christopher Williams is the Multimedia Editor at You can find his weekly updates featured at his blog 8-bit confessional.

In addition to writing for PopMatters, Nick Dinicola is also a regular contributor to the Moving Pixels blog and appears regularly on the Game Hounds podcast.

Eric Swain is a frequent contributor to the Moving Pixels podcast and maintains his own blog on gaming, The Game Critique.