Moments after I hit the PLAY key, I thought it was a joke. Children’s theatre, perhaps, performing Day of the Dead. But, no. It’s the sneak peak at the Tomas Alfredson’s adaptation of John Ajvide Lindqvist’s 2004 novel, Let the Right One In (published in America by Thomas Dunne as Let Me In).
I’m a sucker for a good (or bad) book-about-to-be-a-movie, so this one goes right up my To-Read list. It’s been sitting around here for months, daring me to read it. I’ve held back due to the book’s subject matter — I’m not so into young adult vampire novels, especially those addressing big-person themes like paedophilia, prostitution, and murder. This one, I thought, would be like I’m Not Scared — an engrossing, horrifying read — and you need the right mood for such a story.
It’s a mood hard to come by sometimes. This trailer, though, might just get me there…