An acquaintance of mine once said, “Tell me what movement in music deserves a comeback and I’ll wait for it to never happen,” not meaning it in a negative light, but instead exercising his mind over the ever-evolving realm that music as a whole has found itself in. That being said, every so often you see a modern band bearing great resemblance to ones that came before while striking into the industry in their own memorable way; enter Old Man Canyon and the aptly-named Delirium. Taking its cues from rock heavyweights such as Pink Floyd and David Bowie, the psychedelic nature of Old Man Canyon have themselves stuck knee-deep in old-school acid rock vibes and are proud of it. In this case, the throwback works since Jett Pace and company don’t actively work to attempt to revive the scene to its former glory, but instead begin paving their own path of their own artistic credence while paying tribute to the 1970s and 80s heyday for their brand of psychedelia without coming across as mockish or boring. The end result is a captivating, if not understated, release.
Old Man Canyon: Delirium
Rock's latest throwback, Old Man Canyon establish themselves as the next big psychedelic thing.
Old Man Canyon