
Photo: Genevieve Medow Jenkins

Rhye – “Count to Five” (Singles Going Steady)

Soft R&B grooves sneak up on you with subtlety on Rhye's "Count to Five", a low-key jam that isn't too summery but still offers some hope for the end of winter.

Tristan Kneschke: Let us all celebrate the erotic spectacle that is the Dancing Girl. “Count to Five” skates on this microscopic concept and combines it with Rhye’s insistence on singing in falsetto. Though these girls are apt at expressing their horizontal desires vertically, the creative forces should acknowledge that they’re competing with every other pop vixen whose main concert draws are elaborate dance numbers. That fact gives this video a firm “meh” in its afterglow. [4/10]

Adriane Pontecorvo: Soft R&B grooves sneak up on you with subtlety on “Count to Five”, a low-key jam that isn’t too summery but still offers some hope for the end of winter. Sometimes it feels like a little too little – what would be the harm in pumping up the energy for a minute? – but there’s never a less-than-gorgeous moment in the track, and the old-school sonic touches add a little warmth to some seriously smooth chill. [8/10]

Steve Horowitz: Maybe I’m doing it wrong, as Randy Newman used to sing, but I find this soft rock squishy more than sexy. Sure, it touches all the right bases with gentle cooing, lightly struck strings and keys, liquid sound effects and a steady pulse, but this doesn’t touch me. Making love to this song would make the term sleeping together literal. [3/10]

Robert Evers: Something new and interesting for Rhye – the handclaps are a nice touch. Could be good at a club. Much less depressing than other Rhye. [7/10]

John Garratt: Content takes a back seat to vibe. That’s my polite way of saying this song is pretty boring. [4/10]

SCORE: 5.20