Rising Appalachia
Photo: Chad Hess / Courtesy of IVPR

Rising Appalachia Meditate on Gratitude with “Thank You Very Much” (premiere)

Acclaimed sibling folk band Rising Appalachia meditate on gratitude through their gorgeous new single, “Thank You Very Much”.

Folk sisters Rising Appalachia return with the healing melodies of “Thank You Very Much”. The new single is a meditation on the road traveled thus far. It ambles forward, emanating light through gentle movements, gradually evolving as more instruments join the equation until a bursting crescendo. Crisp guitar, fiddle, and percussion lead the charge alongside Leah Song and Chloe Smith’s gorgeous harmonies. The way that they all converge into a charged, uplifting final chorus is enough to inspire.

Leah tells PopMatters, “‘ Thank You Very Much’ started as a totem to our family and the blue-collar bedrock of our upbringing. It moved into a wider place of gratitude in a song that speaks as an anthem for us, to the many radical and wild humans who have stepped in and helped make this music soar, and to the long road we all walk together towards home. It is a testimony to the simple power of appreciation.”

“Thank You Very Much” releases on 16 September.