Some Holiday Fun With Mr. Bean

Many different families have various traditions around this time of year, but probably few of them came from something PBS used to air about ten years ago. Those from the UK might already be familiar with the adventures of Mr. Bean, a guy who has very unusual ways of doing everyday things, but it is harder to come by in the US. So here, for your comedic pleasure, is some holiday hilariousness that is safe for all ages.

Chances are, your Thanksgiving feast wasn’t as difficult to prepare as Mr. Bean’s was! In this classic clip from the British TV show, part of which was later shamelessly copied on Friends, you’ll learn the reason why you should never wear a watch while cooking.

Now here’s a re-imagining of the Nativity story that Hollywood wouldn’t dare to film. If you don’t laugh at least once during this then you have either no Christmas spirit, or no sense of humor. Doctor Who fans might recognize something here, too.

Finally, here is a clip of the worst New Year’s Eve party ever.