
Photo: Mark Andrus / Courtesy of Ngage

Spaceface Offers New Track and KWKA Remix (premiere)

The Flaming Lips' Jake Ingalls' tuneful, experimental outfit Spaceface teams with Mike Friddman for a sonic odyssey.

The new single from Spaceface, the project led by Jake Ingalls, sometime guitarist and synthesizer man with Flaming Lips, marks the beginning of what promises to be a fruitful creative relationship. The band has teamed with KWKA (Mike Friddman, son of longtime Flaming Lips collaborator and producer Dave Friddman) who mixed the expansive, mind-altering “Calm Before” and provided a remix of “Anything at All”. The former is a multi-layered sensory experience that, although decidedly in the realm of Spaceface, will appeal to fans of both the Flaming Lips and Pink Floyd in their most deliciously fringe moments. “Anything at All”, meanwhile, maintains a sense of adventure and seems capable of becoming a staple of adventurous radio programming and outsider playlists. (This despite Spaceface‘s undeniable potential for mainstream appeal.)

Ingalls recalls meeting the younger Friddman while Flaming Lips was in New York state working on a project earlier this year at the family’s famed Tarbox complex. “When we had some down time, Mike and I would hang out and make these weird loops of stuff from spare tracks I had and whatever synths were lying around,” Ingalls recalls. “That lead to us starting this collaboration project that’s meant to be a sort of 45-minute odyssey song that’s gonna have a visual accompaniment with it although I don’t know exactly when that’ll happen.”

He continues, “I mentioned that Spaceface mentioned Spaceface was putting together a bunch of remixes and asked if he wanted to do one. I gave him these tracks and six days later he had this remix together that I like better than the original! As we were sending stuff back and forth, I just gave him this song ‘Calm Before’ that was part of the Sun Kids session but never made the cut. It just didn’t fit the vibe we had going for that record. Mike wound up working on both songs and I figured they should be paired together as a release. So here we are!”