
Photo: Shervin Lainez / Courtesy of the artist

Jazz Singer Svetlana’s Appreciation of the Silver Screen Continues With “Moonlight” (premiere)

Svetlana's acclaimed album Night at the Movies features music from some screen gems, including "Moonlight" from the 1995 film Sabrina.

Svetlana‘s 2019 LP Night at the Movies pays tribute to some of the Russian-born musicians favorite music from the silver screen, including “Moonlight”, which appeared in the 1995 picture Sabrina. The tune was written by Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman, and John T. Williams.

“Film and music both express a fleeting beauty; both of these art forms exist and affect us in the moment. There is a mystery to the silver light coming out of a movie projector, splitting the darkroom in two, and waving a story out of light rays,” she says.

Having teamed with Grammy-winning Gil Goldstein on the arrangement, Svetlana leaves little doubt here as to why she’s been referred to as “Astrud Gilberto in New York via Moscow”. It seems impossible that an artist could make music sound this effortless and delicate, sincere, and ethereal and yet Svetlana has done just that. The video, by award-winning animator Onome Ekeh enhances the experience of discovering an exhilarating voice and her particular view of a familiar song.