20 Music Videos of the 1980s That Have Aged Terribly
These 1980s music videos have not aged well, bearing a distinctive look instantly tagging them as a product of their time
These 1980s music videos have not aged well, bearing a distinctive look instantly tagging them as a product of their time
From major artists like the Clash and David Bowie to less famous brethren like Haysi Fantayzee and Grandmaster Caz, these are overlooked videos from the 1980s.
When the New Age travelers and the newly emerging ravers met in the English countryside, they had to fight for the right to party together for free. They still do.
It was not without admirable aplomb that Times Square attempted to capture the punk movement in its zeitgeist the way Saturday Night Fever did with disco.
The “future” in future funk is removed from any historical sense of time, existing in a digital future that can be forever extended – and always out of reach.
San Francisco’s new wave band Romeo Void exists in a curious interstice between the social context of the early ‘80s while being wholly prescient of our era of #MeToo.
Saturated in apocalyptic fears of the atomic bomb, 1980s music was also danceable and transporting. How can something that was so horrible also be so much fun?
“’80s music” is often a short-hand for radio-friendly pop songs that are New Wavey, synthy, maybe a little goofy, a little overproduced, ridiculously catchy.
Nöthin’ But a Good Time takes readers on a loud tour of the monster decade of the ’80s, but not for the reasons you’d think.
How do we write about repression and toxic masculinity without valorizing it? Philippe Besson's Lie With Me is equal parts poignant tribute and glaring warning.
Told through the voices and movements of the legends and pioneers of the '80s Harlem drag-ball scene, Paris Is Burning is an indispensable look at one of America's most influential subcultures of the last half-century.
One of our most popular series ever, this 2015 list of the 1980s best "alternative" music has it all, from new wave to punk and post-punk to goth.