’24 – Live Another Day’ ‘Cause You’re Gonna Die Anyway

’24 – Live Another Day’ ‘Cause You’re Gonna Die Anyway

24 began sugared-up on gooey clichés of liberty and freedom -- and ended in hypoglycemic shock. Would a new series be worse for our health?

Ellis’ Superb Mastery of the Art of Pop

What ‘La Femme Nikita’ Has to Say about Egypt and Former President Hosni Mubarek

The Year In TV: May 2010

Jack Bauer, The Last of the Secret Agents, Finally Escapes… Or Does He?

The Year in Television Conspiracies

Development Season: Five Pilots That Sound Interesting (But I May Never Get to See)

The Braces Come Off: The End of ‘Ugly Betty’

24: Wish Fulfillment for Policy Wonks

Back on the Clock: A New Season of 24

Get Your DVRs Ready: Five Shows Returning In 2010

24: Season Seven Premiere