
Glimmers of Truth from the Inebriated Work of the Late, Dirty Realist Writer, Charles Bukowski

Glimmers of Truth from the Inebriated Work of the Late, Dirty Realist Writer, Charles Bukowski

If many of the pieces in Charles Bukowski: On Drinking are the literary equivalent of watching dirt circle the drain after a vigorous shower, how long will we keep watching?

One Life, Breathlessly Lived: On Artist and ’70s Scenster Duncan Hannah’s Memoir

One Life, Breathlessly Lived: On Artist and ’70s Scenster Duncan Hannah’s Memoir

Things get hazy with drugs and bloody with violence, but hipster Hannah remains happy.

Empathy Is a Mirror in ‘Stardust Nation’

Empathy Is a Mirror in ‘Stardust Nation’

"Memories arrive instead. Uninvited, they crash through the sky."

Mo Kenney – “Maybe I Am” (audio) (premiere)

Mo Kenney – “Maybe I Am” (audio) (premiere)

An exciting blend of alternative/pop rock that feels both poetic and punky, "Maybe I Am" is sure to get stuck in your head.
Juliet Nicolson Breaks the Cycle of Unhappiness in ‘A House Full of Daughters’

Juliet Nicolson Breaks the Cycle of Unhappiness in ‘A House Full of Daughters’

Juliet Nicolson has a storied family tree, the family writing talent, and an unhappy legacy: which she reversed.
No Longer Hiding Behind the Booze: An Interview with Caleb Caudle

No Longer Hiding Behind the Booze: An Interview with Caleb Caudle

Caleb Caudle's upcoming album, Carolina Ghost, reveals his first collection of songs fully developed since getting sober.
The Drowning Pool: When Great Writers Are Drunks

The Drowning Pool: When Great Writers Are Drunks

Berryman, Carver, Cheever, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Williams; none could tend the flame of their talent with anything but liquor and devastation.

Rob Delaney’s Zany, Surrealist, and Frequently Ribald Humor

Books Like ‘Happiness Is a Chemical in the Brain’ Reassure Us that Short Fiction Is Alive and Well.