amy schumer

Not Amused: Why Standup Comedy Isn’t Funny

Not Amused: Why Standup Comedy Isn’t Funny

In most of today’s standup comedy the outrageousness of the topic goes a long way toward compensating for the absence of wit. I’m not amused.

‘I Feel Pretty’ Leaves You Feeling Pretty Bad

‘I Feel Pretty’ Leaves You Feeling Pretty Bad

I Feel Pretty celebrates the human frailty it wishes to condemn.

The Fourth Season of ‘Inside Amy Schumer’ Turns Inward at a Cost

The Fourth Season of ‘Inside Amy Schumer’ Turns Inward at a Cost

As Trainwreck and Inside Amy Schumer's third season demonstrated, Schumer’s comedy's most potent when it explores the stakes of what it skewers.
Happy Hour With Alec and Amy: Amy Schumer on ‘Here’s the Thing’

Happy Hour With Alec and Amy: Amy Schumer on ‘Here’s the Thing’

Baldwin's macho persona and Schumer's self-deprecating comedy awkwardly and uncomfortably collide due to Baldwin’s highly gendered interview style.
The Five Best (And Five Worst) Super Bowl Commercials of 2016

The Five Best (And Five Worst) Super Bowl Commercials of 2016

There were touchdowns and fumbles in this year's mostly lackluster crop of ads, plus one commercial that left us conflicted.

What Amy Schumer Taught Me About Video Games

Stand Up, Sit Down, Listen Closely to These ‘Women Who Kill’

Comedy Central’s Stars Under the Stars: 26 June 2013 – Summerstage (Photos)

Comedy Central’s Stars Under the Stars: 26 June 2013 – Summerstage (Photos)

Comedy Central arranged for some of their biggest televised comedians to perform at Central Park's Summerstage.