arcade games

Why the Arcade Matters

‘Witch Hunt’: The Elegance of Orchestrating Chaos

‘Witch Hunt’: The Elegance of Orchestrating Chaos

Recently stumbling onto the tower defense game, Witch Hunt, feels to me like stumbling back into the arcade era.
“Beware, I Live”: The Voice of Antagonism, The Voice of the Arcade

“Beware, I Live”: The Voice of Antagonism, The Voice of the Arcade

The most honest voice of the arcade era is that of Sinistar: "I hunger."
We’re Not Computers, We’re Physical

We’re Not Computers, We’re Physical

The Room understands that we are gamers, geeks who like to look at a thing, take it apart, and figure out how it works. We aren't mere computers.

A Space for the Boys: Considering the Gendered Quality of Arcade Culture

I Admire Your Ability to Lose