Arlo Guthrie

Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, and Myth, Truth, and Anger

Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, and Myth, Truth, and Anger

Daniel Wolff examines how one tragedy in 1913 Calumet Michigan survived through the anger of topical folk music to be told by self-mythologized characters Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan.
Nora Guthrie: My Name Is New York: Ramblin’ Around Woody Guthrie’s Town

Nora Guthrie: My Name Is New York: Ramblin’ Around Woody Guthrie’s Town

An engrossing biographical travelogue that provides a unique perspective on both Woody Guthrie and a long lost New York City

The Year In TV: November 2010

Off the Radar – The Top 30 DVDs of 2008

Pete Seeger: The Power of Song (2007)

1968 with Tom Brokaw