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Fantasia 2019 Preview: Undertones of Indifference In ‘A Good Woman Is Hard to Find’

Fantasia 2019 Preview: Undertones of Indifference In ‘A Good Woman Is Hard to Find’

Director Abner Pastoll discusses his new film A Good Woman Is Hard to Find, which will have a special advance screening at Fantasia Film Festival, ahead of its world premiere at Arrow Video FrightFest.

The Craziest Sh*t Happens in the Suburbs: Interview with ‘Summer of 84’ Filmmaking Collective, RKSS

The Craziest Sh*t Happens in the Suburbs: Interview with ‘Summer of 84’ Filmmaking Collective, RKSS

Now screening at Arrow Video FrightFest 2018, members of the filmmaking collective RKSS discuss Summer of 84