Assassin’s Creed

Rationing Too Much of a Good Thing in ‘Terra Battle’

Rationing Too Much of a Good Thing in ‘Terra Battle’

Give a person lots of options and picking just one becomes difficult. Remove some options and the choice becomes easier.

Art vs. Apps in ‘Assassin’s Creed: Unity’

Some Worlds Are Best Seen From Outside Your Own Eyes

Some Worlds Are Best Seen From Outside Your Own Eyes

I don't have a problem if you want to play Grand Theft Auto from a first person perspective. Knock yourself out. But I won't be doing so anytime soon.
The Assassins’ Propaganda

The Assassins’ Propaganda

Black Flag isn’t interested in breaking the world into two opposing ideologies. It’s interested in how those ideologies sell themselves to a broken world.
Moving Pixels Podcast: The Agony and the Allure of the Side Quest

Moving Pixels Podcast: The Agony and the Allure of the Side Quest

We hate them. We love them. What makes the side quest so agonizing, yet so alluring?

Where the Heart Is: The Use of Home in Video Games

A Stranger in His Own Land, or ‘Assassin’s Creed III’ and the Alien

Experiencing Racial Identities: Passing in ‘Assassin’s Creed: Liberation’

Paying Too Often for Sex in Video Games

Daddy’s Little Gamer, Daddy’s Little Murderer

Existing Above the Law in Video Games

First-Person Memories