Beyond The Fringe

Jersey Oys: Hollywood’s On-Going Problem with Musical Biopics

Jersey Oys: Hollywood’s On-Going Problem with Musical Biopics

By shuffling the songs off to the side, Clint Eastwood does the Four Seasons and Jersey Boys a grand disservice.
“Cancer Perks”, or, the Fault in ‘The Fault in Our Stars’

“Cancer Perks”, or, the Fault in ‘The Fault in Our Stars’

This is a story for those who've never experience the effects of a terminal disease, a narrative aimed at the obvious naïveté of its young audience.
What Edgar Wright’s Departure from ‘Ant-Man’ Says About Marvel

What Edgar Wright’s Departure from ‘Ant-Man’ Says About Marvel

At one time, Marvel was seen as taking risks in defiance of the bottom line. Those days are gone, apparently.
Killing the Fatted Comic Book Movie Calf

Killing the Fatted Comic Book Movie Calf

Just this past week, the cast of the new Star Wars film was "announced", and instead of taking the obvious pros and cons of the actors chosen in stride, the screeching Twitter outrage and blog bludgeoning began in full force.
Why ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Is Not a ’70s Thriller Throwback

Why ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Is Not a ’70s Thriller Throwback

When the film's story showcases the turncoat nature of those in power, it doesn't have the impact -- or the ideas -- of the films from the '70s.
Annie’s Black… So What?

Annie’s Black… So What?

Annie may indeed be black now, but that doesn't matter. Your reaction, on the other hand, is what's really important, and what it says about you, and the state of society, is even more telling.
The Case Against (and Against) Woody Allen

The Case Against (and Against) Woody Allen

Though he's never been legally convicted of a crime, the ongoing battle between Woody Allen and the court of public opinion will never end.

‘Ender’s’ Shame

Gore Is Good!

How the Festival Circuit Is Ruining Awards Season

Screenings and the Disturbing Lack of Professional Courtesy

The Mad “Genius” of ‘The Lone Ranger (2013)’