Big Bang

K-Pop Round-Up: June 2015 – Boy Band Battles and Girl Group Comeback Competitions

K-Pop Round-Up: June 2015 – Boy Band Battles and Girl Group Comeback Competitions

There were many strong K-pop releases in June, but two competitions -- one between major boy bands and one between three exciting girl groups -- dominated the conversation.
K-Pop Roundup April 2015: Boy Band Legends and Girl Band Up-and-Comers

K-Pop Roundup April 2015: Boy Band Legends and Girl Band Up-and-Comers

Comebacks from two major boy bands and exciting tracks from newer female artists highlighted the month of April for the K-pop genre.

‘Why Does the World Exist?’ Rewards Reflection, Even if It Will Not Solve Mysteries

BIg Bang: Wild Bird

William Pears: Big Bang!