binding of isaac

‘Sine Mora EX’ Builds a Beautiful Bullet Hell

‘Sine Mora EX’ Builds a Beautiful Bullet Hell

There is a lot to look at that threatens your life in this bullet hell game before even considering how wicked everything else around you looks.
Dying Is Painful, But Also Noble in ‘Darkest Dungeon’

Dying Is Painful, But Also Noble in ‘Darkest Dungeon’

We’re not struggling to survive just to survive. Our survival is a righteous act of defiance against evil incarnate.
Returning to Isaac’s Body: The Metastasis of the Monstrous

Returning to Isaac’s Body: The Metastasis of the Monstrous

In The Binding of Isaac, the monstrous body may be ugly and awful, but it is unique, free from established rules and stricture, free to continue to grow into something other than what others desire it to be.
Praying to the RNG Gods: What is Chance’s Place in Gaming?

Praying to the RNG Gods: What is Chance’s Place in Gaming?

Chance may make eSports a little too interesting.

The Artist’s Medium Is the Rules: The Games of Edmund McMillen

Gaming and Masturbating, Masturbating and Gaming

Self Actualization and the Mini-Roguelike