blonde redhead

Rock en Seine Sets the Bar High for Music Festivals

Rock en Seine Sets the Bar High for Music Festivals

The 20th edition of France’s famed Rock en Seine sees ever-growing crowds, impressive performances, and an atmosphere to rival the highest of highs.

Blonde Redhead’s Kazu Examines Her Life on Solo Effort ‘Adult Baby’

Blonde Redhead’s Kazu Examines Her Life on Solo Effort ‘Adult Baby’

On her first album independent of Blonde Redhead, Kazu Makino arrives at a new stage in life, one she examines with the curiosity of a beginner.

Blonde Redhead: Maculin Féminin

Blonde Redhead: Maculin Féminin

With this deluxe reissue, Blonde Redhead's fans will be jumping for joy, albeit probably in a lo-fi, no-frills kind of way.
Deerhoof: La Isla Bonita

Deerhoof: La Isla Bonita

Deerhoof's 12th album channels the band's musical chops toward sharp political critique while retaining moments of whimsical release.
Blonde Redhead: Barragán

Blonde Redhead: Barragán

Barragán is aimless and directionless, and it’s hard to see what the group is trying to really do here other than make music that somehow pleases itself.

Nosaj Thing – “Eclipse/Blue” (video / stream)

In Here the World Begins: An Interview with Blonde Redhead

Battles: Gloss Drop

Blonde Redhead: Penny Sparkle

Blonde Redhead: 23

Blonde Redhead: Misery Is a Butterfly

Blonde Redhead: Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons