When Popular Music Left Love Songs for Gurus
As popular music grew tired of love songs and became more philosophical in the 1960s, it began celebrating a figure not previously considered: the guru.
As popular music grew tired of love songs and became more philosophical in the 1960s, it began celebrating a figure not previously considered: the guru.
She & Him reveal the love and respect they have for the original material on Melt Away: A Tribute to Brian Wilson. These songs gently rock and soothe.
From massive hits to experimental pop compositions, Brian Wilson’s music is always thoughtful, idiosyncratic, and as thrilling today as it was in the 1960s.
The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds is not a racist text, but its impact was racist because it further encoded rock as a white genre, perpetuating the institutionalized prejudice that relegated African Americans to the margins of rock.
Music documentary Echo in the Canyon beautifully captures Jakob Dylan's search for the best lessons in collaboration from pioneering California Sound supergroups.
The debut BeachLife Festival adds another unique event to the California concert calendar with three days of musical fun in the sun curated for the classic laid back lifestyle of the City of Angels.
Fifty years on, Brian Wilson’s emotive musings on love, loss, and loneliness on the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds have proven to be truly timeless.