Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes’ 2005 Albums Speak to Our Individual and Collective Discontent

Bright Eyes’ 2005 Albums Speak to Our Individual and Collective Discontent

Bright Eyes brought their expansive and messy vision to life 20 years ago with two albums that captivated listeners then as they surely will now.

Bright Eyes’ ‘Down in the Weeds’ Is a Return to Form and a Statement of Hope

Bright Eyes’ ‘Down in the Weeds’ Is a Return to Form and a Statement of Hope

Bright Eyes may not technically be emo, but they are transcendently expressive, beatifically melancholic. Down in the Weeds is just the statement of grounding that we need as a respite from the churning chaos around us.

The 10 Best Americana Albums of 2007

The 10 Best Americana Albums of 2007

If 2007 didn't invite any gripping controversies, it was certainly filled with competitive comparisons -- between young and old, past and present, and among splintered factions -- and both surprising hits and disappointing misses. All in all, a dynamic and at times resurgent year for the broad scope of Americana.
For the People: Bush-Era Protest Songs and the Promise of Web 2.0

For the People: Bush-Era Protest Songs and the Promise of Web 2.0

Remember when Bright Eyes' "When the President Talks to God" and TV on the Radio's "Dry Drunk Emperor" protested George W. Bush? And when the Internet was full of promise for the best of humankind?

Conor Oberst: Upside Down Mountain

Conor Oberst: Upside Down Mountain

Conor Oberst steers clear from social prognosis or overbearing attempts at change, focusing more on what broke him into the mainstream’s eye in the first place.
Conor Oberst – “Hundreds of Ways” (stream)

Conor Oberst – “Hundreds of Ways” (stream)

Bright Eyes frontman releases a freewheeling, genre-jumping single from his forthcoming solo album.

Desaparecidos + Little Brazil: 9 August 2012 – Minneapolis, MN

They’ll Be Your Emmylou: An Interview with First Aid Kit

M. Ward: A Wasteland Companion

The 75 Best Albums of 2011

Bright Eyes Get Spirited in a Graveyard

Bright Eyes: The People’s Key