cassette culture

This Is Why Cassette Tapes Will Never Die

This Is Why Cassette Tapes Will Never Die

In his history music history book High Bias, Marc Masters argues that cassette tapes will never die because they never really went away in the first place.

Cassette Tapes and the Death of Taste in Modern Egyptian Music (Excerpt)

Cassette Tapes and the Death of Taste in Modern Egyptian Music (Excerpt)

In this excerpt from Andrew Simon’s Media of the Masses, we learn how “lowly” cassette star and shaʿbi music pioneer Ahmad ʿAdawiya would give rise to the “death of taste” in Egyptian music.

Cassette Tape Fever in the Age of Bandcamp

Cassette Tape Fever in the Age of Bandcamp

The cassette tape is a miniature monument to a lost age of music in our days of Bandcamp; a small casket in which to place memories and last hopes.