catholic church

Mexico’s Golden Age of Cinematic Melodrama: ‘Victims of Sin’

Mexico’s Golden Age of Cinematic Melodrama: ‘Victims of Sin’

In Emilio Fernández’s Victims of Sin, a galaxy of important Mexican film and music artists collaborate on a tale of mambo music, martyred mothers, and melodrama.

‘Beware the Cat’: The First English Horror Novel

‘Beware the Cat’: The First English Horror Novel

In the first English horror novel, Beware the Cat, William Baldwin satirizes and mocks the Catholic Church’s naïve superstitions and alleged pagan practices.

The Jungian Shadow Looms over Indigenous Drama ‘We Were Dangerous’

The Jungian Shadow Looms over Indigenous Drama ‘We Were Dangerous’

The Jungian shadow looms over We Were Dangerous, a dramatic and rebellious drama about moral panic and juvenile and sexual delinquency in 1950s New Zealand.

‘Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty’ Memoir Rejects Hagiography

‘Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty’ Memoir Rejects Hagiography

In Kate Hennessy, a cautious voice emerges over the pious chatter about her famous grandmother, activist Dorothy Day.

Sinéad O’Connor: A Mea Culpa

‘The Magdalene Sisters’ Is Not an Excavation of Systemic Cruelty

‘The Magdalene Sisters’ Is Not an Excavation of Systemic Cruelty

The Magdalene Sisters is a sober, sometimes obtrusive look at how efforts to preserve innocence (read, in this case, female virginity) can result directly in its loss.