chinese cinema

Everybody Goes to ‘Dragon Inn’, King Hu’s Martial Arts Milestone

Everybody Goes to ‘Dragon Inn’, King Hu’s Martial Arts Milestone

A guy walks into a bar, or rather a swordsman walks into an inn, and an anti-authoritarian swordfight ensues.

Chinese Cinema Through a Communist Lens

Chinese Cinema Through a Communist Lens

Chinese filmmakers Hu Sang and Xiaoning Feng go to great pains to conflate China and Tibet as simpatico cultures unified against the West in these samples of Chinese Cinema filmed through a Communist lens.

Mu Fei’s ‘Spring in a Small Town’ Dwells Among WWII’s Ruins

Mu Fei’s ‘Spring in a Small Town’ Dwells Among WWII’s Ruins

Mu Fei made Spring in a Small Town just as China recovered from its long war against Japan (known to westerners as WWII) and swung into its Communist revolution.