christopher schaberg

Behold the Humble but Mighty Potato

Behold the Humble but Mighty Potato

By its very modest and humble nature, the potato has served as both an indicator of low-class status and a threat to the ruling class, Rebecca Earle argues in Object Lessons’ Potato.

Capsule by Capsule: On Robert Bennett’s ‘Pill’

Capsule by Capsule: On Robert Bennett’s ‘Pill’

Robert Bennett provides a clear-headed and concise history of the introduction of mood stabilizers in American culture and the complications that have followed in this excellent installment of Bloomsbury's Object Lessons, Pill.

On ‘Luggage’ and the Baggage We Carry

On ‘Luggage’ and the Baggage We Carry

From Alfred Hitchock and Seinfeld to airport baggage claims, our luggage sure carries a lot of cultural and personal baggage.