civil rights

‘May We Forever Stand’ Explains Why “Lift Every Voice and Sing” Is an Immortal Song

‘May We Forever Stand’ Explains Why “Lift Every Voice and Sing” Is an Immortal Song

"Lift Every Voice and Sing" has been embedded in black America's DNA for more than 100 years. We've sung it every February ever since Black History Month was a thing, and every December since Kwanzaa was a thing.

On a Turning Point for Martin Luther King, Jr.

On a Turning Point for Martin Luther King, Jr.

Biographer Patrick Parr takes readers through a vital and decisive phase of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life virtually unexplored by other biographers.

‘Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty’ Memoir Rejects Hagiography

‘Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty’ Memoir Rejects Hagiography

In Kate Hennessy, a cautious voice emerges over the pious chatter about her famous grandmother, activist Dorothy Day.

Historian Martin Duberman Puts Us to Task with ‘Has the Gay Movement Failed?’

Historian Martin Duberman Puts Us to Task with ‘Has the Gay Movement Failed?’

Has the "gay movement" failed? Not yet, suggests this historian's survey. But it urgently needs to reinvent itself.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins of Antifa Doc ‘Alt-Right: Age of Rage’ Isn’t Waiting for Approval

Daryle Lamont Jenkins of Antifa Doc ‘Alt-Right: Age of Rage’ Isn’t Waiting for Approval

Jenkins, founder of One Peoples Project, tells PopMatters that contrary to the fear many Americans feel, it's actually life-affirming to talk about fascism and racism.

‘The Heavens Might Crack: The Death and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.’

‘The Heavens Might Crack: The Death and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.’

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a monolith of a man in his time and remains so today. But he was also a rebel, a necessary disrupter, a thorn in the feet of all who stood in his way.

‘Soul of a Nation’ and ‘The Wall of Respect’ Prompt New Looks at Cutting-edge Black Art

‘Soul of a Nation’ and ‘The Wall of Respect’ Prompt New Looks at Cutting-edge Black Art

No matter where you are on the wokeness spectrum, the Black Power era has yet to stop informing.

Louise Thompson Patterson and the Long Tradition of Radical Struggle

Louise Thompson Patterson and the Long Tradition of Radical Struggle

Reading the struggle of Patterson and her comrades a century ago reminds us that today's racist violence is not a temporary aberration but a deeply rooted and pervasive flaw in American society.

‘Blood at the Root’ and the Cultivation of Racial Hatred in America

‘Blood at the Root’ and the Cultivation of Racial Hatred in America

The story of Georgia's all-white Forsyth County and how they made it that way.

James Baldwin Matters

‘The Force’ Explores The Complexities of Law Enforcement Reform

‘The Force’ Explores The Complexities of Law Enforcement Reform

The Force, which details the Oakland Police Department's recent reform efforts, is best viewed as a complementary work to prior Black Lives Matter documentaries, such 2017's Whose Streets? and The Blood Is at the Doorstep.

In ‘The Blood is at the Doorstep’, a Family Suffers From an Intransigent Criminal Justice System

In ‘The Blood is at the Doorstep’, a Family Suffers From an Intransigent Criminal Justice System

Erik Ljung's work is an auspicious cinematic debut which reminds that for every criminal justice statistic, there's a stirring story which deserves to be deeply considered.