classic hollywood

Jayne Mansfield Outsmarts the “Dumb Blonde” Role In Steinbeck Adaptation ‘The Wayward Bus’

Jayne Mansfield Outsmarts the “Dumb Blonde” Role In Steinbeck Adaptation ‘The Wayward Bus’

Jayne Mansfield’s dramatic performance in the John Steinbeck-adapted drama The Wayward Bus disproves the notion that she was only capable of playing a “dumb blonde”.

‘Laurel or Hardy’ Offers Another Fine Mess of Short Comedies

‘Laurel or Hardy’ Offers Another Fine Mess of Short Comedies

When skinny British music-hall comedian Stanley Laurel met portly American film comic Oliver Hardy, the result was cinema’s most enduring and beloved comedy duo.

‘The Uninvited’ Could Be the Nucleus for all American Narrative Horror Cinema

James Cagney: Another Look at Hollywood’s Tough Guy