columbia pictures

Animated ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Is a Pop-Art Masterpiece

Animated ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Is a Pop-Art Masterpiece

Animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse uses unique, groundbreaking animation techniques and engages with the most ‘out-there’ comic book concepts to tell a hilarious, relatable, timely coming-of-age story.

Can You Relate? Interview with Director Catherine Hardwicke

Can You Relate? Interview with Director Catherine Hardwicke

Director Catherine Hardwicke looks back on her career to date and talks about illuminating the human condition anew in her latest, Miss Bala.

‘Men Who Hate Women’: The Continuing Misuse of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Series and Why It Needs to End

‘Men Who Hate Women’: The Continuing Misuse of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Series and Why It Needs to End

There is something very wrong with how Stieg Larsson’s legacy has been handled by authors, publishers, and filmmakers. Reconsidering the Millennium Series.

Jason Reitman’s Tabloid Journalism Film About Gary Hart, ‘The Front Runner’ Is Altman Lite

Jason Reitman’s Tabloid Journalism Film About Gary Hart, ‘The Front Runner’ Is Altman Lite

Funny and thoughtful but not sharp enough, Jason Reitman's satire about Gary Hart's tabloid downfall aims for controlled chaos but settles for conventional finger-wagging.

Band of Brothers: Jason Reitman, Matt Bai, and Jay Carson on ‘The Front Runner’

Band of Brothers: Jason Reitman, Matt Bai, and Jay Carson on ‘The Front Runner’

Filmmaker Jason Reitman and co-writers Matt Bai and Jay Carson delve into the band-like creative process behind their thought-provoking political drama, The Front Runner, revolving around Gary Hart's scandalous 1988 presidential campaign.