com truise

Com Truise’s Usually-Bright Synthwave Goes a Shade Darker on ‘Persuasion System’

Com Truise’s Usually-Bright Synthwave Goes a Shade Darker on ‘Persuasion System’

If Com Truise's Persuasion System has a theme, it's the confounding paradox of a planet that is simultaneously more connected than ever and yet fractured in so many ways.

Com Truise: Iteration

Com Truise: Iteration

On his first full-length album in five years, Seth Haley, a.k.a. Com Truise, unleashes his usual battery of vivid retro-synth anthems.
Com Truise: Silicon Tare

Com Truise: Silicon Tare

The latest EP from Com Truise cements Seth Haley as one of today's most consistent beat makers, for better and worse.
Com Truise – “Diffraction” (Singles Going Steady)

Com Truise – “Diffraction” (Singles Going Steady)

This makes me want to put my leg warmers on and rock a scrunchy-clad high pony in a dingy Bushwick basement.

Toro Y Moi: Anything in Return

Com Truise – “Fairlight” (video)

Com Truise: Cyanide Sisters