craig wedren

Craig Wedren’s Dreamy Synthpop Shines on ‘The Dream Dreaming’

Craig Wedren’s Dreamy Synthpop Shines on ‘The Dream Dreaming’

Craig Wedren’s balance of pop sensibilities and experimentation on The Dream Dreaming is as well-matched to the times as his music has ever been.

Soundtrack King Craig Wedren Is Still Dream Dreaming

Soundtrack King Craig Wedren Is Still Dream Dreaming

Once indie-rock stalwarts Shudder to Think closed shop, Craig Wedren became the soundtrack king. With his new solo album, he gets back into electropop fun.

Craig Wedren Offers Meditative, Experimental Video and Discusses His Work (premiere + interview)

Craig Wedren Offers Meditative, Experimental Video and Discusses His Work (premiere + interview)

Craig Wedren discusses his latest round of projects, including a new photo book, an upcoming tour with the Messthetics, and his latest video "2Priests".

Craig Wedren – “I Am a Wolf, You Are the Moon” (audio) (premiere)

Craig Wedren – “I Am a Wolf, You Are the Moon” (audio) (premiere)

On his latest single, Craig Wedren draws from his experience in the music circuit to inhabit styles from within. Call it ambient pop with a post-dubstep bent.

20 Questions: Shudder to Think’s Craig Wedren

Craig Wedren: Lapland