creative non-fiction

David Lazar’s ‘Celeste Holm  Syndrome’ Appreciates Hollywood’s Unsung Character Actors

David Lazar’s ‘Celeste Holm  Syndrome’ Appreciates Hollywood’s Unsung Character Actors

David Lazar's Celeste Holm Syndrome documents how character actor work is about scene-defining, not scene-stealing.

Sloane Crosley’s ‘Look Alive Out There’ Suffers from Short-Sightedness

Sloane Crosley’s ‘Look Alive Out There’ Suffers from Short-Sightedness

Reading Sloane Crosley's smaller sketches -- hardly "essays" -- are the equivalent of starting a car in the driveway and never taking it out for a ride.

‘Apocalypse, Darling’ Is a Deceptively Difficult Text That Deserves Deep Consideration

‘Apocalypse, Darling’ Is a Deceptively Difficult Text That Deserves Deep Consideration

Sparked by T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land, Borich's work is a genre-crossing meditation on bodies of land, humans, and their sometimes tempestuous connections.