crust punk

Split Cranium Up the Experimentalism and Atmosphere on ‘I’m the Devil and I’m OK’

Split Cranium Up the Experimentalism and Atmosphere on ‘I’m the Devil and I’m OK’

For their sophomore record, crust band Split Cranium inject a layer of experimentalism into their punk attitude to further elevate their sound.

Baptists Keep Their Crust-infused Hardcore Perspective on ‘Beacon of Faith’

Baptists Keep Their Crust-infused Hardcore Perspective on ‘Beacon of Faith’

Carrying down on their path of destruction, Baptists return with a record that extends their sonic palette, making Beacon of Faith their most complete work yet.

Svalbard on the Plight of the “Unpaid Intern” (premiere)

Svalbard on the Plight of the “Unpaid Intern” (premiere)

Svalbard turns pen into sword via single from English band's upcoming, It's Hard to Have Hope.

Agrimonia Offer the Strongest Chapter in Their Post-Metal Vision with ‘Awaken’

Agrimonia Offer the Strongest Chapter in Their Post-Metal Vision with ‘Awaken’

Returning five years after their strong Southern Lord debut, Rites of Separation, Agrimonia introduce the strongest chapter in their heavy post-metal vision.

Split Cranium: Split Cranium