david lynch

PopTalk: Can Some Artists Become Immune to Serious Criticism?

PopTalk: Can Some Artists Become Immune to Serious Criticism?

In the eyes of critics, can David Lynch ever make a bad film? Or Kanye West a bad album?
Why Does David Lynch Keep Doing This to Us?

Why Does David Lynch Keep Doing This to Us?

David Lynch is one of the most beloved directors in the world. He's also an expert at letting his fanbase down.
The 10 Best Non-Horror Horror Films for a Halloween Hangover

The 10 Best Non-Horror Horror Films for a Halloween Hangover

There are only 364 days left until next Halloween, so get prepared to face the real horrors of the world with these ten titles.
You May Not Get It, But David Lynch Knows What He’s Doing in ‘Eraserhead’

You May Not Get It, But David Lynch Knows What He’s Doing in ‘Eraserhead’

It takes 89 minutes to watch David Lynch's Eraserhead, but it could take 89 years to figure out what the hell it was that you just saw.
What Is Not Erased: Kafka and Lynch and Their Gift of Death

What Is Not Erased: Kafka and Lynch and Their Gift of Death

Eraserhead is very much of the same ilk as The Metamorphosis, and could be described to be a dark(er) twin of that novella.

‘Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks’ Offers a New Look at the Cult Classic

David Lynch: The Big Dream

David Lynch – “Star Dream Girl” (stream)

David Lynch – “I’m Waiting Here” feat. Lykke Li (video)

Tie Goes to the Computer: ‘Side By Side’

David Lynch’s Dark Doubles: A Shadow Journey Into the Heart of the Filmmaker

2011: Music’s Most Electronic Year Yet