
Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: Difficulty, Frustration, and Challenge in Video Games

Gamers Believe in Getting Better

Gamers Believe in Getting Better

When we need to grind experience points, we seek out enemies at the edge of our current abilities. We seek optimal challenge.
‘Hyper Light Drifter’ Is Moody, Mysterious, and Minimalistic

‘Hyper Light Drifter’ Is Moody, Mysterious, and Minimalistic

The best riddles inspire dedication and near-obsession to arrive at an answer. Hyper Light Drifter inspires those qualities in its players.
The Barkley Marathon and Incomprehensible Game Design

The Barkley Marathon and Incomprehensible Game Design

The challenge of understanding something enough to beat it is part of the joy of unraveling incomprehensible game design.

How Do Video Games Force Us to Gain Perspective?

Moving Pixels Podcast: Spaceships and Sadism, The Universe of ‘FTL’

Bedecker’s Dilemma and the Thrill of Danger

Big Science: Difficulty

The Moving Pixels Podcast Is Being Difficult