
Colonial Power in ‘Dishonored 2’

Colonial Power in ‘Dishonored 2’

Emily is no representative of lawful order in an otherwise chaotic world.
Some Worlds Are Best Seen From Outside Your Own Eyes

Some Worlds Are Best Seen From Outside Your Own Eyes

I don't have a problem if you want to play Grand Theft Auto from a first person perspective. Knock yourself out. But I won't be doing so anytime soon.

Moving Pixels Podcast: A Heart, Sure, But a Soul for ‘Dishonored’?

Spatial and Social Realism in ‘Dishonored’

The Heart of an Empress: The Surveillance State and ‘Dishonored’

“Remember to Save Often”: The Meta-Game Tactics of ‘Dishonored’

Unconventionally Creepy Games

Relearning Patience

Paying Too Often for Sex in Video Games