
Does Representation Really Matter?

Does Representation Really Matter?

I don’t need to see my likeness reflected in the world because I am already both “represented” by and reflected in the richness of humanity, and more importantly, I actively “represent” a potential for others too. 

Will Hollywood Finally Recognize the East Asian Male?

Will Hollywood Finally Recognize the East Asian Male?

When Hollywood franchises need East Asian male characters for diversity purposes, their roles are limited to sidekicks or unlikeable men.

The Mandalorian’s Political Allegory: Diversity Is the Way

The Cyclops and the Sunken Place: Narrative Control in ‘Watchmen’ and ‘Get Out’

The Cyclops and the Sunken Place: Narrative Control in ‘Watchmen’ and ‘Get Out’

Hollywood is increasing Black representation but Lindelof’s Watchmen and Peele’s Get Out challenge audiences to question the authenticity of this system.

Why Aren’t Safe Spaces and Brave Spaces Working in Academia?

Why Aren’t Safe Spaces and Brave Spaces Working in Academia?

University campuses are seething. But telling people to get along with each other is not the answer.

America in the Age of Trump: Boycotts, Condonations, and ‘The Divide’

America in the Age of Trump: Boycotts, Condonations, and ‘The Divide’

Is AntiBookClub's call to Penguin Random House to drop The Art of the Deal from their catalog an effective form of resistance?
Can Television Be a Solution to Hollywood’s Diversity Problem?

Can Television Be a Solution to Hollywood’s Diversity Problem?

We are living in the second Golden Age of Television, and not just because the writing is so good: TV is where we can tune in for real diversity.

The ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Rampage: The Violence of Cultural and Subcultural Politics

Color Television: What Diversity Looks Like in America Today

Color Television: What Diversity Looks Like in America Today

Diversity, abstract

American Political Thought, eds. Isaac Kramnick and Theodore J. Lowi

Acumen: Diversity