donkey kong

Hold Down B to Run: On the Importance of Velocity to Video Games

Best of the Moving Pixels Podcast: Our Top 5 Arcade Games of All-Time

Why the Arcade Matters

Donkey Kong’s Tie, or the Domestication of the Villain

Donkey Kong’s Tie, or the Domestication of the Villain

Donkey Kong's representation as a character and his success as a hero is important because it keys into what we want in an avatar, someone who is responsible, who puts on a tie in the morning, and does the selfless dirty work necessary to get by.
‘Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze’, an Old School Game with a New School Feel

‘Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze’, an Old School Game with a New School Feel

The original Donkey Kong is a difficult game. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is ruthlessly difficult.

We’re Sorry, Pauline, But Your Plumber Is in Another Castle

A Space for the Boys: Considering the Gendered Quality of Arcade Culture

The Pleasures of Playing in an Economy of Pain

Other Princesses, Other Castles: The Problem with Playing Romantically in Video Games

Sorry, Dante, but your princess is in another castle